Legion of Steel

The Legion of Steel is a neutral-aligned fictional knighthood in the Dragonlance series of novels. They are headquartered in Solace, a town in southeastern Ansalon. They were originally headed by Sara Dunstan, their founder. Unlike other knightly organizations, the Legion of Steel are not always lawful and in fact, many of them are chaotic. They serve the forces of good in their own ways.



When the Chaos War ended, Sara Dunstan, adoptive mother of the hero Steel Brightblade, received word of the reforming of the Knights of Takhisis. She paid them a visit, and found that the rebuilt order was nothing like it used to be. The Dark Knights had lost honor and justice. They had lost sight of their founder Ariakan's teachings. She went to her son's burial place: the Tomb of the Last Heroes in Solace. He came to her and showed her the way for a new Knighthood. She then proceeded to gather up Knights of Solamnia and Knights of Takhisis, who were still honorable and tired of their old orders' ways. In honor of her son, Sara named the Knighthood the Legion of Steel.


The Knighthood is dedicated to the forces of justice and selfless giving, modeled after Steel Brightblade. It was originally led by Sara herself, but with her death that passed to Silver Claw, a barbarian and former pupil of Sara's. The title of the leader of the Legion is known as the High Elder.


The Legion is spread across Ansalon, in both covert cells and public circles. Covert cells can be very small, as small as two legionnaires, or larger, up to two dozen. The cells are led by an officer. They remain secret and further the Legion's goals through secret actions. Public circles are found in safer places for the Legion. Here, the Legionnaires act openly.

There are no Orders amongst Legionnaires, therefore making a knight's goal one of achievement, not of advancing through rank. The first step in joining the Legion is to become an apprentice to a Legionnaire. Every knight in the Order will have an apprentice sooner or later. Rather than rank, reputation furthers a knight in the Legion, and may earn them a position of power amongst their fellows.

There is a group of high-ranking officials known as the Three Keepers. These officers have seniority over their fellows, and come to their position by way of election. It is to these Keepers all lesser officers must report to. When at war, these Keepers appoint Centurions, who act as generals for the Legion. The Keepers report to the High Elder, leader of the Legion. This Elder is elected like the Keepers. The first Elder was Sara Dunstan, and she was succeeded by Silver Claw. Silver Claw is the current Elder.

The Legion is allied with many forces, such as the Knights of Solamnia (though they do butt heads occasionally) and the Sik'ket Hul goblins.
